Poke Ed Wiki

"Show them your pretty!"

Nazz Van Bartonschmeer is the stereotypical unattainable love interest. Trendy and attractive, Nazz mostly hangs out with Kevin. All of the boys except Rolf and Jimmy are infatuated with her. Whenever she approaches, the Eds begin to sweat, and lose the ability to speak coherently. She is the head cheerleader at Peach Creek Jr. High. Although Nazz is usually depicted as sweet and smart, she can occasionally be a bit eccentric and acts as the stereotypical dumb blonde. She doesn't mind the Eds unless they bother her and other people. She usually wears a white tank top with a black T-shirt underneath and jeans. For bedtime, she's been shown wearing panties and a tank top.

Nazz is one of the supporting characters and protanganists(in her solo episode) in Paoace12's fanfic Poke Ed. In her solo episode, it was seen that she gave up on the Indigo League and decided to become a coordinator and enter contests. It is not yet revealed how many ribbons she has won. It is revealed that she improved alot on her Pokemon skills by easily defeating Eddy in the episode How to Deal with a Diva! She also was the former announcer in the Peach Creek Battle Royale. She seems to like catching cute Pokemon like Vulpix.

Nazz's Pokemon(All five regions)[]

Nazz's pokemon are sometimes off balance by having 3 firetypes and one grass type, however she changed that problem with her new Pokemon. DO NOT REPLACE WHAT I(Paoace12) PUT IN THE POKEMON PICTURES. YOU ONLY IMPROVE THE BIOS AND OTHERS.

Kanto Pokemon[]

Johto Pokemon[]
